ארכיון Oded Gold - רפי מנת | רפי מנת אספנות https://afbaedu.com/category/oded-gold/ רפי מנת | רפי מנת אספנות בולים וחדשות Wed, 07 Dec 2022 11:36:05 +0000 he-IL hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://afbaedu.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/demo-logo-black-150x150.png ארכיון Oded Gold - רפי מנת | רפי מנת אספנות https://afbaedu.com/category/oded-gold/ 32 32 Facts About Primark By Oded Gold https://afbaedu.com/facts-about-primark-by-oded-gold/ https://afbaedu.com/facts-about-primark-by-oded-gold/#respond Wed, 07 Dec 2022 11:35:49 +0000 https://afbaedu.com/?p=336 Interesting Facts About Primark By Oded Gold Founded in Ireland in 1969 under the name Penney's, Primark has now become a global clothing retailer Oded Gold says. Located in a range of countries, it sells a wide range of fashionable products at affordable prices. The company aims to create a friendly and welcoming environment for […]

הפוסט Facts About Primark By Oded Gold הופיע לראשונה ב-רפי מנת | רפי מנת אספנות.

Interesting Facts About Primark By Oded Gold

Founded in Ireland in 1969 under the name Penney's, Primark has now become a global clothing retailer Oded Gold says. Located in a range of countries, it sells a wide range of fashionable products at affordable prices.

The company aims to create a friendly and welcoming environment for customers and staff alike. It is committed to protecting the environment and working to create sustainable fashion.

The company is part of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), which works to promote trade unions and labour rights in supply chains. However, Primark has not yet pledged to pay a living wage to all of its workers.

Primark is also part of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition Oded Gold says. It is committed to eliminating hazardous chemicals by the year 2020. It also aims to train cotton farmers in environmentally friendly methods. It does not use exotic animal skin, such as angora.

Primark has also made good efforts to reduce plastic waste. For example, it only uses paper bags since 2002.

Primark has also partnered with the charity Newlife, which helps terminally ill children. It also donates unsold items to help those in need.

In addition, Primark is a member of the Sustainable Cotton Programme. It also joins the Leather Working Group, which promotes sustainable practices in the leather industry.

The company has also been involved in modern slavery scandals. One note found in the pocket of a pair of Primark trousers claimed that workers were forced to work 15-hour days. It also claimed that they were fed unfit food.

הפוסט Facts About Primark By Oded Gold הופיע לראשונה ב-רפי מנת | רפי מנת אספנות.

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